Head In British Slang Meaning & Its Crossword Clue

By @bestSlanges

Most of the time, the native speakers also do not know the meanings of some words that are included in their language. Especially when it comes to slang terms, the process is gonna evolving very badly now and it gonna became difficult for people to understand simple terms. Most British are known as an expert in slang terms and they are well known for introducing new words in the community and one of them is head in British slang. 

However, there is a method to find the meaning of slang terms, which is “crossword clues”. It was a game that enhanced the meaning of a clue by its length. Today, we are going to discuss the term head in British slang which has multiple meanings and is well-known with their meanings in different contexts.

Head meaning in British slang:

Well, most people think that the “head in British slang” is a thing that sits on the neck like our brain. That is true but it was its original and globally recognized meaning. In the UK, the “head” refers to some different meanings like fellatio, toilet, leader or boss, or for drug use

The word “head” is a noun but its origin is unknown. But from some trusted sources, we might come across that it was first recorded in 1885-90. Let’s dive into the multiple meanings of the slang term head in different contexts.


In maritime situations, particularly in naval or nautical slang, the term head means toilet. In most of the submarines and ships in the UK, the toilet was well recognized by the slang term “head”. It was also used for the restroom that is alongside the bowspit on a sailing ship in the Royal Navy. 

Let’s check how people are using this term in their conversations.

  1. Excuse me, could you point me to the nearest head? I need to use the facilities.
  2. After a long journey, I made a beeline for the head to relieve myself.

Leader or boss:

This is the most popular and familiarizing meaning of the word head among the people. Some of its derived words like headmaster, head girl, or head boy also reflect its meaning that “head” will also be used for referring to someone, who has some responsibility. The head girl in any school represents the whole girl’s community of school. In general conversation, it is used like:

  1. The headmaster maintained discipline and ensured a positive learning environment in the school.

Drug use:

If you also go to the bar in England or the UK, then there is a possibility that you hear the word head at that place. In the context of drug use, the term head mostly refers to special types of drugs like cannabis. People use it like:

  1. I have got some killer bud. Let’s get our heads in the cloud.


If you don’t aware of the word fellatio, then it means oral sex or cunnilingus, which is a sexual act where a partner’s genitals or anus are stimulated orally. Head in British slang also means “fellatio” in sexual connotations. 

  1. We heard that she gave him some serious heads at last night’s party.

Mind or thoughts:

This is also a very well-recognized meaning of the slang word head in conversations. And it was used like that: “I can’t get it in my head”. This means that it can’t stop thinking about that or, sometimes particularly, it will be used by knowledgeable or skilled people.

The crossword clue for the head:

In a crossword clue, the term head refers to 3 letter answer, a “nob”. It is an informal term for the head used for upper-class or wealthy people. Or sometimes for Jack Card in the game of cribbage.


The use of the slang term head will depend upon the context in which it is used. Like if it will be used in the navy, it might mean a toilet or restroom or if in family planning or something like that. It might mean fellatio. So using it with a proper understanding of context will avoid confusion among the audience.

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