Best British Slangs Starting With X

By @bestSlanges

We utilize British slang in our casual and daily speech as a secret language. It depends a lot on where you are and the person you are dealing with.

We’ll dig deep with you on an informative tour with our thorough guide to British slang. So, be ready to learn British slang starting with X. You may refresh your vocabulary and look competent after reading the article. You will then become familiar with slang spoken in your social circle. This will enhance the overall tone and nature of your talks.

What Does Xtra Mean In British Slang?

Xtra, in British slang, is the stylized form of extra. Anyone or anything costly, dramatic, or over-the-top. It can be in behavior, appearance, or actions.  

In common usage, Xtra refers to anything that is included in or is likely to be added to something of its kind. 

It is among the most commonly used monikers in text SMS and online chat. Here, it can be used to indicate someone who goes out of their way. When anyone wants to make an impression or show off, the slang xtra is used. 

Origins Of Xtra

Xtra is a term that has been used around for a while. It originated from the African American Vernacular English (AAVE). As time passed, the term became more widely known. It was used in popular culture. Xtra was mostly and especially linked with the internet and mainstream media.

Synonyms For Xtra

Remarkably, especially, extra, particularly, more, new, very, extremely

Xtra Usage As Examples

  • How yummy is that extra chocolate chip ice cream?
  • There will be a lot of extra work related to the conference.
  • An extra £1 billion has been promised by the government for healthcare.
  • We were all requested to try extra hard to be kind to him, 
  • Please drive with extra care this evening.

What Does X-Ray Eyes Mean In British Slang?

X-ray Eyes, in British slang, refers to someone who has strong eyesight to pay attention or notice. It refers to having the apparent ability to see through objects.

Origin of X-ray Eyes

This X-ray eyes term comes from the most popular characters that are the main leads in the 1963 movie X. The fictional character was Superman. Olga Mesmer emerged in Spicy Mysteries in 1937. She was the first comic book heroine to possess X-ray vision. She’s often cited as one of the original superheroes. A comparable skill was given to Lynceus of the Argonauts in mythology.

Superman can see through objects such as walls to look at the criminals outside of them. It can look through Lois Lane’s clothing to see what color her underwear is. 

Synonyms For X-ray Eyes

Insightful eyes, keen, observant, intelligent, Eagle eyes, hawk eyes, sharp eyes, peeled eyes, penetrating eyes and nautical eyes

X-ray Eyes Usage As Examples

  • Do you have x-ray eyes so you can see what she wanted to achieve?
  • Do you have x-ray eyes? How did you know Yinbo ate the last bit of the pizza?
  • Your solid sense typically gives you some x-ray eyes into how things work in situations
  • He can see into my cupboards with X-ray eyes!
  • It was clear to all of those with X-ray eyes what I wanted to attain. 

What Does XTC Mean In British Slang?

XTC, in British slang, stands for Ecstasy. It means a highly happy state. It belongs to someone, especially when they are enjoying pleasure. 

XTC is also a potent drug that can make you feel highly active and hallucinating.

Origin of XTC

XTC originates from the drug MDMA. MDMA is a psychoactive substance. This is known by its common name, “ecstasy.”  Dance music fans have been using this material for many decades. 

The group made its Virgin Records launch in 1977. They earned fame later on for their extremely energetic live shows. 

Synonyms For XTC

Happiness, joy, zeal, craziness, blissful state, exaltation, rhapsody, euphoria, enthusiasm, elation, transport, jubilation, joyousness, and ravishment

XTC Usage As Examples

  • Walking back as someone in XTC, she did so.
  • As the chocolates melted on our tongues, we had a time of XTC together.
  • She was XTC as she headed towards it, but he may not enjoy it.
  • The story has triggered his fans to become XTC
  • To my XTC, the idea worked great.

Final Discussion

In this article, we have discussed the best British slang, starting with X. Each time, it would have grammatical and local variations in its vocabulary as it developed. British slang has also changed in meaning from its origins. This helps you to learn about their past, and where they came from so, you can understand better. In this article, we have provided you with recent lingos used in digital communication. This will help you pursue your passion with full ease. Stay with us for more British slang updates using other alphabets.

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