Slang Meaning In Oxford Dictionary OED & Usage Tips

By @bestSlanges

In today’s world, where the landscape of linguistics is changing, slang plays a significant role in shaping communication patterns and reflecting social culture. Slang originated from various sources such as pop culture, subcultures, and regional dialects, adding flavor to the English language with its vibrant expressions. That’s why in todays guide we will talk about the slang meaning in Oxford Dictionary to help you clearly understand what does it mean and when to use. 

Introduction To Slang Language

Slang, often described as an informal language, consists of unconventional words or phrases derived from standard usage. It has become a trend now that people are informally using slang terms to express their emotions and ideas. Slangs are the shorthand words used by teenagers, mostly in everyday conversations. Slang terms enhance the layers of the English language with their unique meanings and cultural significance. 

Evolution of Slang in English

Historical Background

Slang has deep roots in the history of the English language, with early examples dating back centuries. In the past centuries like the 18s or 19s, slang words are used by criminals as shortcodes for their criminal conversations. We also see that some of the slang terms are British slang terms that originated after warfare when cultural changes were evolving in England. 

Influence of Pop Culture

In modern times, social media targets using slang. Day by day, new slang terms are made out by teenagers and students. Social media and memes now serve as breeding grounds for new slang expressions. It reflects the sense of our children and teenagers on linguistic approach and stands up for them, that they are unique from their olds, but the tradition of using slang terms remains the same. 

Characteristics of Slang

Slang has many unique key features that distinguish it from formal language:


Slang is shorthand words used in informal conversations mostly. The speakers also get the idea of the psychology of the audience when they use slang terms between them.


One of the unique features of slang is its inventive nature. Speakers often used slang terms to convey meaning in novel ways, and it reflected the cultural and traditional change of community.


Slang is the cultural trend now and non-native speakers use those words to increase their fluidity in language. Using slang terms also represents that you are evolving with the trends. 

Importance of Understanding Slang

In the era of social media, where people interact randomly and converse with different cultural people, the importance of understanding new slang terms increases. People increase their slang vocabulary with the help of TV shows and magazines because that produces effectiveness in social interactions with people. They get familiar with slang expressions and navigate social interactions confidently. 

Slang Meaning in Oxford English Dictionary (OED)

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) serves as a comprehensive record of the English language, documenting both standard usage and slang terms. The process was like this: the traditional dictionaries may overlook slang expressions while the Oxford English Dictionary recognizes their significance and adds them to their structure. 

Recognition of Slang Terms

The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) has specific criteria for recognizing and defining slang terms. They go through such factors as usage frequency, cultural relevance, and historical significance of slang. But they only do this with popular slang terms used informally globally. 

Examples of Slang Meaning in English

Here are some examples of commonly used slang terms in English.

  • “Lit” – Exciting or excellent
  • “Slay” – To impress or succeed effortlessly
  • “Savage” – Fearless or ruthless
  • “GOAT” – Greatest of all time

Impact of Slang on Communication

Social Dynamics

Slangs plays a vital role in shaping social dynamics. People increase their vocabulary to interact confidently with different cultural people within their society. Their vocabulary will also reflect the sense of belonging within their community.

Cultural Implications

The use of slang Terms reflects broader cultural trends and values. Slang terms reflect the attitudes and identities of people. Like if someone is using abusive and funny slang terms then there might be a chance that they are teenager.

How Slang Reflects Society

Like religion, cooking recipes and dishes and cultural traditions will tell many things about the society. Same as that, the linguistic change will also reflect the culture. Like when we talk about unique slang terms, the people of the UK will come to our mind, because they are unique in this perspective.

Benefits of Incorporating Slang in Language Learning

Those who will be learning slang terms are the champs. Because they increase the sense inside them of natural real-world settings about language. They stand up with confidence in the community and talk effectively.

Tips for Using Slang Appropriately

When using slang, one must try to use it with proper responsibility and after understanding the context of the chat. This will avoid all types of misunderstandings and misinterpretations among the audience. 


In conclusion, slang has a prominent place in the English language. So before using slang words, must try to authenticate that they will be included in the English Oxford dictionary. Slang is shaping the culture, so if you don’t find the slang in OED then ensure that your opponents will also understand the context of the slang term you use.


What is the difference between slang and colloquial language?

Slang refers to informal expressions that are derived from standard language words, while colloquial language encompasses informal speech patterns and phrases commonly used in everyday conversation.

How do slang expressions spread and gain popularity?

Slang expressions are mostly spread through social interactions, media, and digital communication platforms. Slang terms gained popularity because they reflect cultural trends. 

Is slang considered acceptable in formal writing?

Generally, in formal writing, clarity and precision are prioritized. However, slang is an informal term used freely but might be used in formal writing to enhance the tone professionally.

Can slang terms become outdated?

Yes, slang terms may become outdated because the trend on social media or the local community changes over time. But those slang words that have deep roots in the linguistics of any culture may not be outdated easily after some time. 

How can I stay updated on the latest slang expressions?

Staying engaged with social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and especially TikTok can help you stay updated on local trends and new slang expressions.

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