8 Most Popular Slang Words To Express Frustration

By @bestSlanges

Usage of slang words to express frustration or to show up your emotions or feelings is getting popular each day. Even if you are not advanced in English, you can express your thoughts through the help of slang terms.

Reason could be that the slang words are shorthand words that are mostly used globally in online conversations and social communities to convey messages. And now it was also becoming a trend to show emotions using slang words.

Today, we also go through slang terms used to show frustration and see how they will be used in different contexts with different examples. Mostly the slang term used for frustration are ugh, argh, meh, facepalm, fml, dang it, dammit, crap, shoot, son of a gun, and many more.

Let’s discuss all slang words to express frutstation:


This slang word was used for showing annoyance or expression of exasperation like this:

  • “Ugh, I don’t want to go to a doctor.”
  • “Ugh, there is a crowd of people on mid of the road.”
  • “Ugh, I again late from the office?”
  • “Ugh, I forget my passport at the airport.”
  • “Ugh, I’m tired and there is still a lot of work behind.”


Mostly used slang terms in situations of anger or frustration.

  • “Argh, why did my mobile stop working?”
  • “Argh, where are my toys mama?.”
  • “Argh, my plan was again rejected by the boss”
  • “Argh, I can’t believe she is cheating me.”
  • “Argh, why is it so hard to arrange a trip now?”


This slang term was most probably used for expressing strong frustration with high-intensity anger.

  • “Dammit, why this plan failed again?”
  • “Dammit, again stuck in traffic.”
  • “Dammit, Lost my flight?”
  • “Dammit, where did my father go now?.”
  • “Dammit, I’m going to beat you now, son”


An expression for shit or annoyance.

  • “Shoot, I want to go with her.”
  • “Shoot, I missed my gaming event today.”
  • “Shoot, I accidentally hit with your car”
  • “Shoot, my mom gonna lose.”
  • “Shoot, I’m struggling for these shit people.”


You might hear this term mostly in situations of disbelief or wonderness.

  • “Seriously? I can’t believe that you are my student.”
  • “Seriously? How did you fail again in exams?”
  • “Seriously? There is not a chance that they lose this match.”
  • “Seriously? Are you expecting me that show you my pictures?”
  • “Seriously? Now it was harshing for you?”

FFS (short for “for fu#k’s sake”)

People use this slang word when someone does something fucking with them and they want to show their frustration.

  • “FFS, why I don’t recognize you?”
  • “FFS, I forgot my all passwords.”
  • “FFS, why has my car tire gone flat again?”
  • “FFS, can’t see you with that boy?”
  • “FFS, your behavior was hurting and frustrating for me!”

Bloody Hell:

This is a British slang word used for frustration like this.

  • “Leave me alone, bloody hell?”
  • “Bloody hell, Today is my birthday, and you forget.”
  • “Bloody hell, what a shot.”
  • “Bloody hell, there are the police and you break the signal”
  • “Bloody hell, why do you use my instruments?.”


Mostly used by children and teenagers to indicate a lack of enthusiasm or feeling for someone during conversation.

  • “Only one guy enjoyed that movie and that was meh.”
  • “Whose chat is this? Is it meh?.”
  • “I’m meh about the new cars in that place.”
  • “I don’t care about anyone, it’s just meh.”
  • “The concert was kind of meh, to be honest.”

Wrap Up:

In conclusion, slang words are the best way to show emotion in online conversations. There are also multiple slang words to express frustration other than those described above. Like, What the hell, god damn it,  I can’t even, this is ridiculous, are you kidding me, or oh come on.

 So, just understand the context of the conversation and use these words freely to show expression of frustration.

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