What Does “Doddle” Mean In British Slang?

By @bestSlanges

In British slang, “doddle” refers to “doing tasks easily and comfortably”. It describes tasks or activities that require little effort or are straightforward. The term conveys a sense of simplicity and ease, often used to reassure someone or emphasise how effortless something is.

Doodle means, in British Slang, to do something easily

Doodle has evolved, with different connotations but the same meaning and form. Let’s dive into the details of what does Doodle mean in British slang and its origin.


Doodle is indeed a slang term but neither shortened nor abbreviated. The term has many phases but similar forms. Let’s explore in detail;

  1. Doodle mean in Psychology 

The “ Doodle” originated in the 17th century from the German word “dudeln,” which means “to play or trifle.”  Doodle scientifically means a “ pausing mind from multiple activities and give our sub-conscious power of analysing our thoughts ”. Moreover,  doodling is a mind-blowing activity that relaxes the mind and analyses our thoughts. A doodle in psychology or science is a diagram of mixed images or shapes with or without messages. Doodling is a refreshing activity for the brain to overcome daydreaming or boredom. 

Can Abstract Art be considered Doodling?

First, let’s discuss whether” Doodling”  is an art. Mainly Doodling in drawing is shape or shape less short of images created by humans. But Abstract Art should always have meaning. So, yes, doodling with meaning may fall in the Abstract art category, but not without meaning. 

  1. The term “doddle” dates back to the late 17th century.

Doodle was considered “fooling” someone or “playing tricks on someone” back in the 17th century. Nevertheless, it is also mentioned in dictionaries as “ to fool “. Back then, the doodle was a term to explain someone playing a trick like, “ He was doodling to stop us opening the box”.

  1. Originated from the verb “doddle,” which means to do something casually or lazily.

The verb “doodle” is usually used in digital chat to explain the comfort of your work while doing the task. 

  1. Later, the meaning of Doodle shifted to describe tasks perceived as very easy in British.

In British, Doodle causally means an “ easy task to do.”

  1. Doodle is also a term used for “ Dogs breed.”

A mixed breed of Poodle Crossbreed Dogs is usually called “Doodle.”

  1. Google Doodles

Google doodles are the images shown above the Google search bar. Google doodles are according to the event or particular function on that date.


  • Used to describe tasks or activities that are easy to accomplish. Example: Fixing that leaky tap was a doddle.
  • Often used in casual discussions among friends or family to emphasize how simple a task is. Example: That exam was a doddle.
  • Used to comfort someone who may be worrie about a task or challenge. Example: Don’t worry about the presentation; it will be a doddle.


  • I thought the recipe would be complicate, but it was a doodle to make.
  • Sometimes, I don’t enjoy working, so I prefer Doodling.
  • Google Doodles were honoring women on Women’s Day on 8 March 2024.
  • You can never let officers go doodling by the violations of traffic rules.


The term “doddle” is a quintessential example of British slang that conveys ease and simplicity. Its origins reflect a historical evolution in language, transitioning from a term for casual or lazy action to one that describes effortless tasks. Understanding what does Doodle mean in British Slang surely helps appreciate the informal and relax nature of the British conversational style, where simplicity is often highlight reassuringly.

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