What Does “Tooting” Mean In British Slang? 

By @bestSlanges

Some words have different interpretations in the same setting or language. However, only a specific meaning is stigmatised, or we can say to use a colloquial term. Its other interpretations are rare, but one is frequently used in casual daily conversation. 

The same is true regarding what tooting means in British slang. Let’s go with us to take a divergent view and understand its use in day-to-day activities.

What Does Tooting Mean in British Slang? 

As a British slang, it has two major interpretations. Let’s look at them one by one; 

  • It means a short series of sounds or a short blast; mainly, a car horn or whistle is used. In everyday routines, tooting means any sound that is used to warn.
  • In another context, tooting also means taking drugs by inhalation or snorting, such as cocaine. Folks use this informal slang to refer to someone who takes drugs casually or as about in any social gathering.  

Etymology of Slang Tooting:

British slang tooting comes from the Middle English word “Touten”, which means the sound of a horn. Over time, with cultural and regional evolution, folks use it to refer to the sound of a horn or a short, sharp noise. 

The shrill and grating sound produced while sniffling drugs is metaphorically linked to drug consumption. 

When Was It First Used?

It was first found in Ancrene Riwle in 1225 and known as the adjective “tooting” in the Middle English Period 1150-1500.

Tooting Your Own Horn: What Does It Mean?

The phrase tooting your own horn is not too much relevant to the British slang tooting. But is it considered wrong or harmful? 

It means to praise, boast, and brag about yourself. Sometimes, other people do not acknowledge your achievements and accomplishments. People toot their own horn to motivate yourself and tell you to do your best at your standards. 

But why do Americans consider it wrong to “toot your own horn”? Whose horn you are supposed to be?

They find it unpleasant because you must applaud and commend others and wait for them in return. According to their psychic, a colleague or senior’s sincere compliment is more valuable than tooting your horn. 


Short Blast: 

  • The board captain was tooting the gunfire to signal the soldiers.
  • The band was tooting with their musical instruments at the New Year celebration. 
  • Microwave makes a toot when it stops after the set time. 
  • When entering the town, the school van toots its horn to alert the children. 

To Take Drugs: 

  • Micheal goes with his friends to his farmhouse to do some tooting. 
  • Some people try to disconnect themselves from the world. 
  • She was caught tooting during her work time. 
  • Cops arrest a group of youngsters tooting in the party last night. 
  • Everyone at the club ended up tooting. 


Short Blast: 

  • uncheckedMaking a sound, alerting, blowing, piping, pooping, trilling, calling, making a loud sound, signalling, honking, playing, blaring, peeping, sounding, skirling, beep-beeping, fifing, blowing the horn, getting, parping, popping, flashing, hooting, buzzing, ding, peeps, chirping, ping. 

To Take Drugs: 

  • uncheckedBender, nasal use, jag, blowout, keg party, orgy, tipsiness, inebriety, spree, binge, jamboree, intoxication, fabulousness, carousal, drunk, bacchanalia, bribery, ingesting, huffing, cocaine use, snuffing, bust, blowing, wassail. 

Alternative Interpretations:

  • A geographical area:

It is a district in South London, England, and has the nickname “land of Curry Mile” due to the number of Asian restaurants. It is located 8 kilometres to the south-west of Charing Cross. 

  • A paper bag
  • Toilet 

Closing Remarks: 

Despite many other meanings, slang “tooting” has only two critical interpretations. Tooting also has diverse meanings through which it conveys a mixture of actions. Many phrases that use specific slang, whether irrelevant to the slang, confuse people. 

But after exploring the article, we hope you can understand what Tooting means in British slang and how to use it. 


What is a toot in England? 

It means “time out of training”. When you are not working due to illness or emergency leave. 

Is toot a slang for frat?

No, it is some kind of synonym of frat in action of small sharp noise. 

What is toot toot slang for? 

Something very special to you, maybe your family, friend, girlfriend, or anything. 

What does it mean when a girl calls you toot? 

It means baby and honey but is considered rude when called a stranger, subordinate, or ordinary acquaintance. 

Darn tootin mean? 

It means speaking the truth, absolutely correct or precisely perfect.

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