What Is Squatting In British Slang? 

By @bestSlanges

Like many other slangs, the British slang squatting also has several meanings based on aspects.

Folks use the term in their casual conversation both in general and exercise dimensions. 

Today’s guide will briefly explain what is squatting in slang, including its origin, usage, and different interpretations. 

Origin of Slang Squatting: 

Its roots are traced back to French and Middle Dutch languages. In the 17th century, it originated from the French “esquatter” and the Middle Dutch “squatten” both have the same meaning to crush, be beaten out of shape, or press down. 

Over time with linguistic and regional changes, the term evolved with the meaning of taking someone’s empty property without permission or illegally. 

It was first used in an Early English Psalter before the 1300s.

What Does Squattting Mean In Exercise: 

It is a bolster-up exercise in which the knees are bent and the body is supported over the feet. 

People do this exercise at gyms while carrying heavy weights or at home normally to maintain their figure and to strengthen their body. 


  • Ali has done 30 squats in one minute. 
  • Everyone was shocked when Sarah did squats with a 50kg barbell. 
  • Mosan does not know how to squat might be strange by the way. 
  • Noah won the squatting competition in his college. 
  • While squatting Faerman slipped and fell into the swimming pool. 

What Does Squattting Mean In General?

Own Someone’s Property: 

  • In shoot the breeze squatting means staying at someone’s empty house without the owner’s permission or illegally. 
  • In another context, it also means in the past someone took a land that does not officially belong to them for farming. 


  • Due to the financial crisis, they live in a squat with no facilities. 
  • The property owner filed a complaint against the squatters. 
  • After returning from the business trip Rafy went to his squat.
  • Due to poverty and homelessness, most of the people in this area live in squats. 
  • The court sends eviction to squatters they only stay in the property for one month. 


People use the term squat to describe something thick, wide, and grotesque. That may be anything whether a person, thing, or property. 


  • Look at this squat building. 
  • I do not like the design and texture of this squat coffee cup. 
  • In his teenage Farman was a slim squat but now look at him he is so handsome. 
  • Her dress looks squant according to the party them. 
  • This old squant table does not look fine according to the style of the office. You must need to replace it. 

Squatting Position:

It is a position when a person bends down very low and sits on heels. In simple words, we can say that to sit in a lean-over position.


  • She squats and collects all the pearls. 
  • If you want to talk to a child then you need to sit in a squatting position. 
  • Mosan sits with Ali squatting position and help him to arrange his toys. 
  • Sarah squatted down and examined her daughter’s injury. 
  • The mother squats down and take the baby in her arms. 

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